Happy New Year & Welcome to Home Sweet Maine Insider Newsletter!

I know how overwhelming the amount of information can be that we get daily in our modern world. The goal for our Insider newsletter is to, first and foremost, share our love of Maine and everything that makes it 'sweet'.

We want to help you sift through the mountain of information you see on a daily basis by providing you only the most real, fun, fresh and uplifting local stories and events.

The newsletter will be evolving, and we want you to be a part of that. It is very important to us that we honor your time and attention, so please share any feedback and suggestions you may have by responding to this email.

If you would like to have a rotating column or have a fun idea for one, please email me!

Love to all and thank you again for your continued support.

Michael Hamilton

The Maine Shot

Each month we will feature a photo of Maine from a local photographer. This month, we are grateful to share this photo taken at Portland Headlight on January 10, 2024 by Benjamin Williamson Photography. Benjamin said about this photo: "The waves were getting a little bit smaller as the sun came out, but this monster came just in time. I loved seeing just the top of the lighthouse, which stands 72 feet from the base, as it was swallowed by the wall of water."

Photo Courtesy of Benjamin Williamson Photography

Spirit of Maine - Mainers Helping Mainers

We may like our trees and privacy, but when neighbors were in distress this December, Mainers stepped up...

These Farms Want Your 🎄

The other day, I saw a post on a Facebook community group from a farm looking for Christmas trees to feed to their goats. Goats and Christmas trees?? I had no idea...

Market Insider

I really want to hit home is, as Mainers, we buck the national real estate trends. Reading the big headlines can be fun and helpful but please remember that, as a state (and even in unique towns), we are in a cycle of not lining up with the national headlines...

What’s Happening

We are crossing our fingers and toes for more snow so we can take advantage of these great sledding and skating locations...

The G.O.A.T Quiz

Answer this super simple question (hint: the answer is in one of our newsletter articles!) and win some G.O.A.T. prizes!