Maine Insider Newsletter

September - October 2024

The air is starting to get nippy at night, stores are putting out their Halloween stock (and even Christmas!), and, best of all, fair season is here. I love this time of year, and all the traditions that come with it - especially going apple picking and baking apple goodies. Check out the fairs and foliage events in our What’s Happening section!

Another tradition for some Mainers this time of year is starting to prepare to head south for the winter. If becoming a snowbird is something you have been considering, please check out my Market Insider below. The Maine and Florida markets are working in your favor to become a snowbird, as I will explain. 

As always, if you have any real estate or home-related questions, please reach out. I’m always glad to hear from you!

With Love, 

Michael Hamilton

📸 The Maine Shot

View from the top of Mt Blue, courtesy of Rob Caldwell

View from the top of Mt Blue, courtesy of Rob Caldwell

Things to do:

May & june


Market insider

with Michael Hamilton

Florida Day Dreaming?

Vacation home / seasonal home shopping


Some of you might not know this, but I actually live in both Florida and Maine. I also manage properties and run real estate teams in Southern Maine and Southwest Florida. 

If you’ve always dreamed of a “snowbird” or vacation home in Florida, it might be more achievable than you think. The market in Florida is currently more favorable for buyers, which could give you some leverage, while the Maine market is still favorable for sellers. Many people have used our Home Equity Calculator (in our seller tools) and found that they have substantial equity in their Maine homes. This is equity that could be used to finance a second home in Florida.

Today, I want to share a few insights with you- 

  1. Real estate markets are regional and seasonal – know your market!

  2. Owning a Snowbird or Vacation Home (That Pays for Itself) Might Be Closer to Reality Than You Think!

    Let’s dive into how the real estate markets in Florida and Maine have performed differently over the past year.


Days on Market:

Increased from 8 to 12 days (+4 days)

Median Closed Price:

Rose from $371K to $399K (+7.5%)


Jumped from 2,914 to 4,742 units (+63%)


Days on Market:

Increased by 39% to 57 days

Median Closed Price:

Decreased by 2% to $459,527


Rose by 49%

So, what do these numbers tell us?

Both states have seen a significant increase in inventory, but the effects have been quite different. In Maine, the rise in inventory hasn't slowed the market down. Demand remains strong, keeping the days on market under two weeks, and driving up sale prices by over 7%.

On the other hand, Southwest Florida has experienced a slowdown in demand. As inventory has grown, the days on market have increased to 57, compared to just 8 a year ago. If you're selling in Florida now, don't expect a 7.5% increase in sale price like you might in Maine; instead, prices are down by about 2%.

Understanding these regional variations can make a big difference if you're buying or selling. In Maine, as a seller, you can expect a quick sale with multiple offers and limited negotiation room. In Florida, sellers might face a longer sale period and need to be more flexible with negotiations.

So, how does this help you?

If you’re buying in Maine, focus on local trends rather than national ones. For those dreaming of owning a vacation or rental property in Florida, now might be a great time to explore your options. 

Consider this: could you take out a line of credit on your Maine property to purchase a Florida home? Enjoy it for a couple of weeks each year and rent it out the rest of the time to cover the costs, including the equity line payment? Or perhaps you could buy the home you want to retire into now, start enjoying it sooner, and lock in your equity position in Florida?

It all boils down to the numbers. Southwest Florida is known for its vacation rental locations with relatively predictable income. If you’re contemplating whether buying one of these properties makes sense for you, give me a call. Let’s chat about whether the math work in your favor.

Remember, real estate is highly regional. If you can leverage differences between markets to your advantage, you should absolutely do it!

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